When it comes to delays, stalls, blow-off’s and objections, there is a lot of bad information floating around. “The selling doesn’t start until an objection has been voiced.” “You should love objections.” “After the third objection is when you’ll usually get the sale.” Whenever I hear garbage like that I want to puke. What’s scary… Read More
74 How Questions You Can Use
It’s Masters week, the week that most of us golf geeks look forward to all year. What’s really cool about the TV telecast is the number of commercials are limited to just four minutes per hour, as opposed to the normal 12 or so for regular tournaments. I find most TV commercials really stupid. I… Read More
A Sales Rep Struggles With the “Numbers Game” Mentality
Hello Art, I started a new cold calling appointment setting job for a company that is a broker for helping accountants buy and sell their practices. Here is the script I use. Please take a look and tell me what you think: “Hello, this is Aaron with XYC company, We help accountants buy and sell… Read More
Don’t Be THAT Stalker Salesperson on LinkedIn
Ever been to one of those business mixers where there’s always the guy who introduces himself to as many people as he can? The one who stuffs a business card in everyone’s mitts, saying “I sell ___,” gives a brief pitch, then rushes to the next victim? Then he calls those who he coaxed a business card… Read More
Haters of Soccer, and Sales
A bigger sport in the US than soccer is listening to the debate between soccer fans and non-soccer fans. It can get quite heated. Like political conversations. I admit, I fall into the non-soccer fan category, but I’m trying to leave. I am one of the bigger sports geeks you’ll ever meet. I have spent… Read More
Here’s the Best Time To Prepare for Your Follow-Up Call
I recently did a training workshop for the sales pros at Ivy Garth Seeds. They sell flower and vegetable seeds to nurseries, greenhouses, and other commercial growers. They actually DO something that I have suggested for a long, long time that not many others practice: doing their pre-call planning for the next call to a… Read More
How to Quit Following Up With “Prospects” Who Will Never Buy
Do you really know where you stand with the prospects in your pipeline and follow-up queue right now? Well, of course maybe this doesn’t apply to you, but my experience is that many sales reps have no clue of precisely where they are in the sales process with many of the people they are following… Read More
Listen for Their “Lean In” Statements to Learn EXACTLY What they Want
If someone in a conversation dropped this on you, how would you react? “So, anyway, I’m only sharing this with a couple of people, but my aunt in Omaha is good friends with Warren Buffet and this is where he said she needs to put all of her money…” You’d snap to attention. You’d elevate… Read More
My Analysis of the Horrible Cold Call Voice Mail
Last week I shared with you a recording of a cold call voice mail message that I have received 10 times over the past several months. Wait, check that, I received it again yesterday. No kidding. Same message. If you didn’t hear it yet, listen here, and see the background info I included. And check… Read More
Prospecting and Sales is NOT a Numbers Game. It’s a Quality Game
Football bowl and playoffs are here. I can pretty much guarantee NO coach is saying this to his quarterback: Coach: “I need you to throw the long bomb on every play. Every time just toss it as far as you can. I don’t care where, put it up.” Player: “Uh, coach, shouldn’t we mix it… Read More
Smart Calling Tip- How to sell to LeBron James
A huge sales process will be taking place soon. Several organizations will be going after the same target. The one who gets the sale will actually end up PAYING over $22 million dollars to the buyer. The buyer is LeBron James, and the seller is the team that sells him on choosing them. If you’re… Read More
The Spoken Word Beats Digital Every Time: Just Place the Call!
Live conversations are by far the most effective way to communicate, and sell. However, too often people resort to email, texting and social media when a phone call is the much more effective alternative.
Voice Mail: Enough of the Crap Already. Here’s the REAL Story
I’ve about had it with a lot of the garbage floating around about sales voice messages. I’ve always had the same stance, but It’s time that I get more vocal and ask for your help in spreading the word. Seems like every day someone is putting out a blog, article, tweet, “free” webinar, video, LinkedIn… Read More
What You Can Model From the Comcast Cancel Call
Last week I posted the now mega-viral Comcast cancellation call and asked for your thoughts. Thanks to those who replied. There were many excellent, well-thought-out comments and suggestions. My take: First, I agree that the rep went way over the edge. Regardless of the possible reasons—which I’ll address in a minute—just like you won’t get every sale you’re… Read More
Whose Language are You Speaking?
I saw an article about how golf equipment sales reps visit the various pro golf tournaments every week and try to persuade the players to use the equipment represented by the salesmen. A rep with a club company said that, when speaking with a “technologically-challenged” player, he simply says that “Our fairway woods are 10… Read More